Appearance: The appearance of your items will be the thing that will close the deal for many shoppers.   Home and Men’s items that are High Quality, clean, smell fresh, and are in good condition,  look newer and generally sell better.  Items that have stains, odors, tears, mildew, or watermarks will be pulled before the sale begins.  Spend a little extra time getting your items ready so they will look as near to new as possible. Items CANNOT smell like smoke or have pet hair.

** My favorite stain remover is OxyClean.  The secret to this product is HOT water, the hotter, the better.   It does not ruin fabric and will get out any organic stain left behind.

Tagging: Items with lost tags cannot sell.  Clear packaging tape MUST BE USED to secure index cards to your items. Please use safty pins on the men’s clothing.

Pricing: You get to set the price for your items.  Ask yourself what would you be willing to pay for the item.   Don’t want to pick up items at the end of the sale?  Price your items to sell or mark the price in RED to sell for half price sale.  Half the money is better than no money!  Keep old catalogs/circulars, or copy information from the internet to help you with pricing.  For name brand items, include this information with the item you are selling. This will give a full description and provide cost of item new.  Even the PLACE OF PURCHASE helps.

Presentation: Items in the original box or packaging sell much faster!

Luggage will need to be marked on each card if it is sold separately or as a set.

If as a set each piece of luggage will need a card marking that it is sold as a set with the set price on each card.

Sellers  DO NOT longer leave containers when dropping off your items.  We have baskets that we will sort the unsold items into and on pick up day bring back your container to take your unsold items with you.